The Spanish Club meets usually on the 4th Friday of each month from October through to May to hear talks mainly in Spanish on a variety of subjects including travel, art, music, books, history and cultural events with a Spanish or Latin American connection.
Tapas and drinks are provided in the area outside the Conference Room.
It is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish to join the club, merely to have an interest in all things Spanish/Latin American.
El Club de Español ofrece una cordial bienvenida a los miembros antiguos y nuevos en nuestras reuniones mensuales. No es necesario hablar ni entender perfectamente el español. Basta con tener interés por la cultura de España o Latinoamérica.
Time: 4th Friday of each month, 12.45 for 1pm start, Graham Hills Building.
Club membership is £10.00 without tapas and £25.00 with tapas for the whole session.
Contact: Teresa Daly, Membership Secretary
​2024/25 Programme
25 October 2024
Charles Piggot
Visiones ecológicas en la poesía náhuatl maya y quechua
​22 November 2024
John Gillies
"La leyenda del bandido Joaquín”.
12 December 2024
Nuestra Fiesta de Navidad
24 January 2025
Janine McNair
"Extremadura, Tierra Olvidada''
28 February 2025
​¡ Cuestionario Divertido!
28 March 2025
Guayarmina Morente
El alma de Galicia: vida y obras de Rosalía de Castro
25 April 2025
Ana Richardson
Gauchos, mito o realidad
16 May 2025
Charlotte Lange
(A confrmar)
Liz Davidson – secretaria del club
Mary Larkin- presidente del club
Teresa Daly- secretaria de membresía
January Fundraiser
Our Club held a raffle at our January meeting and raised a donation of £400 for our Club Charity, Alzheimer Scotland.